Cloud Setup Tutorial Part-1

AWS Setup Tutorial

Imagem de capa


AWS or Amazon Web Services are a bunch of Cloud services that are provided by Amazon.

There a bunch of options to choose from for Deep learning, I prefer AWS the most because of the huge number of options that it offers.

Login Screen

Click on Support

Case Page

Now you might have to wait for a while untill you hear from Amazon, once your limit increase has been approved

Select your region from the Drop down menu

Select Instances

Select the AMI

AMI is an ‘Image’ of the OS with everything installed. Consider a snapshot of the states of OS after installing all the software. It can save you the pain of setting it all up, you can dive right into working.

Select Instance Type

Selecting Key Pair

Key Pair: We use Secure Shell Login or SSH to login to our instances, the security is ensured by A Key-Pair which gives you access to the instance

Click on Instance and connect

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