Basic Tutorials Part 2

Basic Tutorials Part 2.

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A version control system (or VCS) provides an automatic way to track changes in software projects, giving creators the power to view previous versions of files and directories, develop speculative features without disrupting the main development, securely back up the project and its history, and collaborate easily and conveniently with others.

Command Line

The most common way of using git is via the Command Line interface. We will demonstrate this because we are geeks! (Er, it’s needed when you’re working remotely)

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git
$ git config --global "Your Name"
$ git config --global

Repository is a fancy term for a Directory.

git config

To configure git

git help

To get help

mkdir MyProj
git init

If you get something like

Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/name/MyProj/.git/

You’re good.

Git Works as shown: Unstage refers to making the file ‘staged’ from being untracked (In English, the file is added to our repository in the eyes of Git)

Untracked: Changes are not tracked Unstaged: These aren’t a part of Git’s repository.

git status

Returns the status of the Repository

git add -FileName

This adds the File FileName to the staged area

git add .

Adds everything in our repository to git

Commit: When you make changes in a repo, these need to be commited. By design, Git requires every commit to include a commit message describing the purpose of the commit. Typically, this takes the form of a single line, usually limited to around 72 characters, with an optional longer message if desired

git log

To see a record of your commits

git commit -m

Commit staged changes with a message

When you have made changes in your repository, that have not been commited yet.

git diff

This shows the differences between the previous commit and the current one. (For all you Linux geeks, it runs the diff command in the background)

Terminologies and other commands:

When someone wants to submit changes to your repository, they submit a pull request. You review these changes and then ‘Merge’ the request into your repo.

Well, generally speaking, your Repository will be available for anyone to view once you put it on GitHub. But Collaborators are people that have direct access to the repo. Consider them the administrators.

Different collaborators work on the code simultaneously. To avoid hinderence, everyone works on a branch. A branch is the copy made of the code at point of time, which is used to work upon in a manner to keep other branches unaffected.

Master branch contains the main code for your Project


A site designed to facilitate collaboration with Git repositories and it’s free to use.

Sign up for a GitHub account Here.

Now for all purposes of managing a local repository, I recommend you start with Github Desktop which provides a neat GUI to interact with GitHub and has a set of neat tutorials to get you started.

Setting up Github via Command Line

This is a fairly advanced topics to share amongst complete beginners and is skipped over for a later post in the series. (Or an update)

This Blog post might feel a little incomplete-that is because it’s been created in a way to force you to explore the Software. Git is a software to be used and explored, hence that part is left out as an intensive excercise to the reader.

That being said, if you have any doubt: Do leave a comment below and we’d be happy to help resolve it.

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