1 min to read
Mono Visual OD
A monocular Odometry Suite Dev and Testing.
Devoloping a reliable Monocular Visual Odometer for on the fly deployment on Embedded systems.
About ONGC Academy
ONGC Academy is located in the lush green environment of the Himalayas at Dehra Dun. Known previously as Institute of Management Development (IMD), it was formally re-christened as ONGC Academy on November 2, 2003 by C&MD, Mr. Subir Raha. It is ONGC’s premier nodal agency for training and developing human resources. The Institute emerged out of SWOT analysis carried out by the organization in 1982.
Designing parameters for measuring performance of human resources, succession planning, mapping of individual relations scenario, work climate and work culture analysis and managing change are some of the areas of research related to management development. To serve this purpose, the Academy is committed to excellence in the cause of HRD and of the availability of appropriate systems and procedures with a view to ensure managerial effectiveness, quality and productivity in E&P Sector. ONGC Academy is also responsible for coordinating training/seminars for ONGC executives abroad.
The academy has acquired ISO-9001 certificate through implementation of quality assurance system.
To devolop a system that tracks movoment of a system in real time based on a visual Odometry. The challenge is to devolop a standalone Visual based system for a Monocular Visual System.
Python, OpenCV library were used, video datasets were used to benchmark the system.
Tools Used
- Macbook Pro 2015, 13’’
- Open CV
- Python 3.6
- Scikit-Learn Framework
Generalised Algorithm:
- Setup Feed
- Localise Object Features
- Track the linear movments
- Produce an estimate of the direction of movement.
- Plot a char based on the ‘Shift in Matrices’
- Validate and Test
The algorithm worked appropriately against videos with small movments per frame. Further devolopment would involve integrating a dual camera system and other sensors for more accurate readings.